
Is College Worth It?

Some newly minted college graduates struggle to find work. Others accept jobs for which they feel overqualified. Student debt, meanwhile, has topped $1 trillion. It’s enough to create a wave of questions abou

Life in College Matters for Life after College

  May 6, 2014 Life in College Matters for Life After College New Gallup-Purdue study looks at links among college, work, and well-being by Julie Ray and Stephanie Kafka WASHINGTON, D.C. — When it com

First Lady Asks Students to ‘Reach Higher’

Elizabeth Morgan, Director of External Relations First Lady Michelle Obama told high school seniors in San Antonio on Friday that U.S. competitiveness in the global economy depends on their success in higher ed

College Attainment Rises, but Lumina’s 60% Goal Is Now Harder to Reach

By Eric Kelderman The percentage of American adults with a college degree grew 0.7 percent from 2011 to 2012, according to a report on college attainment released on Tuesday by the Lumina Foundation. That sma